Everything You Need for Mask Production is at Şahin Rulman!

Mask Everything You Need for Production is at Şahin Rulman! 

When producing seamless masks, you need the necessary equipment for mask production. We have prepared this blog post for you to meet such needs.Bu equipments such as sonic generator, mask machine scissors and ultrasonic welding machine. We have prepared this blog post for you to meet your mask machine material needs.   

1. Sonic Welding Machine

sonic welding machine for mask production

One ​​of the devices required for mask production is an ultrasonic welding device. Ultrasonic welding devices are used in the ear and body parts of the mask during mask manufacturing. Welding machine for seamless mask manufacturing is important for safe production. By ensuring correct calibration, you can increase the performance of the machine and adjust your mask production speed as you wish. During installation, horn frequency is measured with a frequency meter and the product shows full performance when the absolute value is entered into the device. 20Khz 2000 Watt Ultra Sonic welding device. 


2.As Air Scissors for Automatic Mask Machines

mask machine air scissors

In mask production, you need to separate the masks from each other after producing them. In order to do this safely, you should use air scissors for the mask production machine. The scissors are practical to use, allowing you to produce quality masks by providing perfect cutting. A clean image emerges. Hydraulic air scissorsi.

3. Piezo Ceramics for Sonic Welding Machines

mask production sonic welding device

Piezo ceramic materials are responsible for converting forces, pressures and accelerations into electrical signals. Ultrasonic transducers and actuators convert electrical voltages into deformation. They have excellent temperature stability. It is one of the important parts you can use for mask production. 


Şahin With bearing assurance mask machine  supplies You can click on the relevant link to purchase. Products that you can use when producing quality and fast masks are offered to you at Şahin Rulman with the best price guarantee!